Central Turkey |
Istanbul to Syria and the Middle East |
We must admit it was
difficult leaving Istanbul after having felt so at home at the Armada.
Leaving was also difficult as we clearly sensed there was something wrong
with going back East ! We had made it this far and had been talking so
much with Kathleen's parents about the future that it was somehow
difficult to hit the road again. Furthermore, we had been staying in cool
hotels for the last 2 weeks and we didn't look forward very much to
camping with the poor weather. Torrential rain turned into.. torrential
snow fall as soon as we drove eastwards. After queuing for a few hours in
a traffic jam of people stopping everywhere to put their snow chains on
(the lucky ones) and people sliding all over the place (the unlucky ones),
we decided to call it a day and stopped for a meal and... a good night's
sleep in our tent. Next morning, we had the first part of "I'm
dreaming of a white Christmas !"
After visiting the cities of
Safranbolu and its Ottoman wooden houses to see how Turkey must have
looked 1 or 2 centuries ago, we headed for Turkey's capital Ankara. Ankara
was a small if strategic town in the 20ies of only 20 or 30 thousand
people when Attatürk decided to move the country's capital here. After
heading for the Belgian embassy, we thought how lucky we must be to be
nationals of a small country. We have so far always had a marvelously warm
welcome when visiting these and Ankara was no exception. Thank you Bruno
& Ha !
Ankara's car bodywork shops prepare for many weeks of good business as another snowstorm hits the capital !
Visit to the Hittite town of Hattusas, next to Bogazkale village. We were mightily impressed to see a stone sculpture of a lion 4000 years old.
From the Hittite area, East
of Ankara, we moved even further eastwards into Anatolia to visit Amasya,
Zile and Tokat, famous for their Ottoman architecture. A few years ago, it
is from somewhere between Amasya and Zile that Julius Caesar crushed the
local warlords and sent his famous one-liner home : veni, vidi,
Driving through a small Anatolian village on our way to the city of Zile, Turkey
A group of schoolchildren immediately gathered when we stopped to remove our chains (centre), the caravanserai of Agzikarahan, East of Aksaray
"The caravanserai or
caravan palace was a luxury "motel" on the 13th century Silk
Road through Anatolia." (LP) The main gate provides access to an open
court in which caravans were loaded and unloaded. This open court was
surrounded by rooms which served as refectory, treasury, repair shop,
accounting and exchange office, store room and hammams. The vaulted hall
further on served as shelter for people and goods in bad weather.
The highly decorated front portal of the Agzikarahan caravanserai
Two of the most well kept
(and restored) caravanserai were on our way to Konya, the home city of the
whirling Dervishes. From Konya we headed south again towards the
Mediterranean. This road was to take us right through the Taurus mountain
range to the Mediterranean where we were hoping for warmer temperatures !
Another stunning road through Turkey's snow covered countryside (left), the monastery of Alahan perched high in the Taurus range north of Cyprus (centre), amazingly beautiful ice stalactites along the road (right)
The road South finally brought us round the Bay of Iskenderun to warmer temperatures and the city of Antakya (Antioch). Antioch is home to the world's first cathedral in the cave-church of St Peter (where the apostle is said to have preached and the term "Christian" was first used. Antakya is also home to an incredible museum of Roman mosaics |
The Church of St Peters (left) was restored several times over the centuries by the Church but also by Napoleon III, a amazing roman mosaic in the poorly lit Antakya Archaeological Museum
Heading to Halep (Aleppo) in Northern Syria on Christmas Eve hoping to find a Christian church
For the first time during our
journey so far, we have noticed we were not eager to leave a country and
head for the next one. The warm but more importantly very natural
hospitality of Turkish people have made us feel welcome. Besides, Turkey
is one very special country to discover. The country is dotted with
majestic old buildings everywhere and most of the landscape would qualify
as national park in most countries. One thing is sure : our two months
were clearly not sufficient !
Here is the first of our extra pages : Constantinople ! |
We are doing well !
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Coming from Mediterranean Turkey | Back to Trip page | Heading to Lebanon |