It's a girl !


Elisabeth was born on October 20th 2004.


Kathleen and I had been eagerly expecting this moment for the last 9 months and two days ! On October 20th 2004, it was time. We arrived at the hospital at 7.30 am. At 11.27 our little Elisabeth was born. Most people nowadays know what they are having. We didn't ! When the baby was born, nothing happened... nobody told us ! It took what seemed like an eternity for us to realise no-one was going to tell us. When we did ask, we were told: IT'S A GIRL ! Do you think we were happy?


54 cm and 3.9 kg




Antoine discovers his baby sister with a lot of tenderness.


Back home. There's 4 of us ! Elisabeth gives Antoine his first bicycle !


But dad gets to operate it


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